19 January 2009

The Guy who Dances on the Internet

So this guy Matt Harding, travels all over the world and is recorded dancing in the places he goes too. It's pretty cool actually. Stride Gum, sponsors him now. Man I wish I could travel all over the world for just a little dorky dance! Anyways Stride Gum sponsored his trip to 39 countries in all 7 continents in 2006 for 6 months. Then again in 2007 and 2008 so for 14 months he traveled to 42 countries and was recorded dancing. Here is the result.


Unknown said...

Jen --

Thanks for putting my Mrs. Lieutenant blog on your blog roll. If you'd like to write a guest post for my blog, get in touch with me through www.mrslieutenant.com.

And maybe you'll be interested in carrying the widget on your blog for the BlogTalkRadio show I co-host -- www.yourmilitarylife.com. Lots of good info for military personnel.

Sigvaris Stockings said...

That's great. I thought the video said it all!